Western Corridor Road Upgrades - Longworth Avenue and Minmi Road, Wallsend

The city's growing Western Corridor has led to increased traffic over time. In February 2022, Council committed to upgrading the roads along the Western Corridor to reduce congestion.

We are working to improve conditions along this important link to the city, by increasing the width of the road to two lanes in each direction at locations as identified in the Western Corridor Transport and Traffic Study and making changes to some intersections to reduce bottlenecks.

Upgrades to the Western Corridor and the supporting road network will be delivered in stages:

  • Associated traffic changes at some intersections in the surrounding area to support traffic flow before and during the major works at Longworth Avenue and Minimi Road, Wallsend.
  • Longworth Avenue, Wallsend between Newcastle Road and Cameron Street. 
  • Minmi Road, Wallsend from Maryland Drive to west of the Summerhill Road roundabout.

Longworth Avenue

The proposed upgrades to Longworth Avenue will feature several key changes, all of which are aimed at reducing congestion to the immediate area and for the greater Western Corridor.

Key changes include:

  • Longworth Avenue will be widened to allow two lanes of traffic in each direction (North and South), with clearway restrictions in place during peak travel times. To allow room for two lanes of traffic, on-street parking will only be available during non-peak periods.
  • Right-hand turns from Longworth Avenue onto Bean Street, Cameron Street and Maitland Street will no longer be available. This is to limit the amount of traffic building up behind cars waiting to turn right and avoid delays in oncoming traffic from the turning lane.
  • Landscaping and street trees will enhance the look and feel of the area, whilst existing bus stops will be retained along Longworth Avenue with new shelters to be constructed.

Minmi Road

We are planning to widen the roadway along Minmi Road, Wallsend and create a four-travel lane configuration by utilising the existing constructed road and the available road reserve on the southern side.

Key features of the project include:

  • Two-lane traffic in both directions, with separated parking lane on one side of the road (eastbound towards Maryland Drive).
  • Improved cycling and pedestrian connections.
  • Right turn lanes in and out of Anna Place and McNaughton Avenue
  • Right turn lane into the Service Station.
  • No right turn into and out of Mount Street.

Project updates:

Notification letters


Transport for NSW are also delivering major road upgrades in Newcastle and the surrounding areas. To find out more about these projects, click here.

Project documents:

Project contact:

Daracon are scheduled to commence the major works in the coming months. Should you wish to enquire about the upcoming works, please contact Daracon on:

Frequently Asked Questions:

What's happening next?
How did you engage with the community to develop this project?
Why is the Cowper Street and Newcastle Road roundabout installation so large?
Isn't Longworth Avenue already four lanes wide?
What's happening to the northern shared pathway on Cameron Street?
Why is the Stapleton Street cycleway required?
Is the cycleway on Stapleton Street permanent or temporary?
I live on Stapleton Street. What do I need to know?
What has happened at Stapleton Street and Nash Street?
After these works finish, are there any future plans for future the Western Corridor?
What else is happening in Wallsend?