City of Newcastle (CN) is working to improve the safety, and look and feel of Blackbutt Village, Orchardtown Road at New Lambton as part of the Local Centres Program.

During earlier consultation we heard the availability of safe parking options is important to the local community. We sought feedback from local businesses, and then asked for broader community feedback on a range of timed (not paid) parking options in the area. Parking will remain free of charge.

The changes to timed parking are intended to increase the turnover of parking spaces closest to the shops - making it easier to find a parking space when shopping or dining in the area. Timed parking will be implemented once construction is complete. We will continue to monitor parking space turnover to ensure the new timed parking arrangements are fit for purpose and meeting the needs of the community.

You can view the final parking plan below, or download it from the Document Library.

Project updates and information

Visit our project page for information on the upgrade including construction timing.

Unrestricted parking options

If you are looking for all day parking, there are a range of parking spaces available within six minutes walk of the shops as detailed on this map.

Thanks for having your say

Thanks for sharing your feedback on timed parking in the area. As a result of community feedback, we increased the time limits for Zones 2,3 and 5 in the final parking plan. You can read more about the results in the Engagement Summary or Full Report.

What's next?

During the next stage of the Local Centre Upgrade, the community will be invited to provide feedback on concept designs for two public plaza spaces. These spaces are designed to facilitate social interaction and enhance the community and visitor experience.