Engagement status - Newcastle Ocean Baths

The Newcastle Ocean Baths are ageing and need substantial upgrades to continue provide use and benefit to the community. Over summer 2019/2020 we carried out a range of engagement activities with the community to better understand how they use and value the Ocean Baths, and to gain insight into future improvements.

In 2020, we are continuing to seek community opinion on various aspects of this renewal project through the Newcastle Ocean Baths Community Reference Group. This group was formed to help the planning process for renewal of the Baths through discussions and co-design workshops, and will meet throughout the concept design phase of the project.

Community engagement summary

The following activities were carried out from 22 November 2019 until 1 March 2020 to learn more about how the community use and value the baths, and to gather feedback on future improvements to the sites:

  • Online ideas wall to allow for engagement via ideas boards. A total of 1094 comments or ideas were submitted on the walls by 354 people
  • 898 telephone (poll) surveys
  • 218 intercept (face-to-face) surveys
  • 4,400+ visits were recorded to the Baths’ dedicated ‘Have Your Say’ web pages.

The findings from these activities are available in the engagement reports.

To view all community responses click on the ideas walls below.

View the image galleries below featuring the current amenities and facilities.

Newcastle Ocean Baths current state

Merewether Ocean Baths current state