Coastal Projects & Works

Our coastline is changing. Significant weather events, combined with long-term sea level rise, means that waves are reaching higher on the shoreline than in the past, exposing both bedrock and man-made structures more frequently.
The loss of sand that occurs in these scenarios significantly impacts both the appearance of the beach and our ability to enjoy beach activities. Learn more about the coastal hazards that impact our coastline including a series of short videos.
We love our coast and want to ensure that our beaches and coastline can be enjoyed for many years to come. That's why we are carrying out a range of projects to manage our coastline in a sustainable way for the enjoyment of our community now and into the future.
We're delivering staged rehabilitation work to address storm damage at Bar Beach and ensure minimal disruption to beach goers. We're also developing a Coastal Buildings Revitalisation Plan which will help us effectively plan for, deliver and manage our coastal buildings in the short, medium and long term.
Find out more about our coastal projects below.
Coastal Management Programs
Over the past few years, we have been developing the Stockton Coastal Management Program (CMP) which includes actions to help manage, maintain, and preserve the coast between the northern breakwater of the Hunter River and Meredith Street. The program has mass sand nourishment as its primary coastal management action to improve beach amenity and protect coastal lands. Work is also underway to extend the geographical area covered by the Stockton CMP 2020 to include the coastline up to the northern boundary of the Newcastle Local Government Area (LGA).
We are also in the process of developing the Southern Beaches CMP which covers the coastline from Nobbys Headland to Glenrock Lagoon. This Coastal Management Program is a long-term program of actions which can help us adapt to both immediate and future changes on our coast.
Want to contribute to our understanding of these beaches?
You can take part by uploading your photos of our coastline via CoastSnap. CoastSnap NSW is a collaboration between UNSW Sydney, the NSW Government and City of Newcastle.
Simply follow the instructions shown on signage next to the dedicated phone cradles at Bar Beach, Merewether and Stockton - or download the free CoastSnap app.
Latest news
9 December 2024 - Community use of coastal buildings in focus to aid future planning
24 July 2024 - City of Newcastle clears the way for Bar Beach upgrades
26 May 2024 - Tenders called for next stage of Bar Beach repair work
22 February 2024 - Future investment on the agenda as City of Newcastle seeks long-term vision along the coast
25 October 2023 - Work underway to improve Bar Beach access
15 September 2022 - $1.1 million to repair City's southern beaches